I can't believe the time has finally come for this trip. While the actual flights have only been booked for a few months, I feel like I've been waiting a lifetime for this day. When I was five years old, my papa sent up a book from the MET on the King Tut exhibit. I remember, as a child, pouring through that book and imagining myself with all of those ancient artifacts. This was beginning of my fascination with Egypt. It continued from there with Sokar and the Crocodile, Aida, and my all time favourite book The River God by Wilbur Smith (one of the few books I've read multiple times cover to cover). I always knew I'd eventually get to Egypt, but timing/circumstances just hadn't been right. That changed seven months ago, and the opportunity to spend three weeks in Cairo presented itself. Connections with the BCCIS (BC offshore school) and an apartment to stay at,.. how could I pass up this opportunity! The invitation to do a presentation on my experiences as a Grosvenor Fellow in Antarctica has only increased my excitement and anticipation for this trip.
So I find myself sitting at Gate 65 at YVR, waiting for my flight to Cairo, still pinching myself. Two "trips of a lifetime" in one year is leaving me feeling incredibly fortunate. I won't be posting as frequently as I did in Antarctica, but I will upload info and pictures as often as I can. Hope you enjoy following along.
So I find myself sitting at Gate 65 at YVR, waiting for my flight to Cairo, still pinching myself. Two "trips of a lifetime" in one year is leaving me feeling incredibly fortunate. I won't be posting as frequently as I did in Antarctica, but I will upload info and pictures as often as I can. Hope you enjoy following along.